Donation Form
捐款人/捐款機構資料 Donor Particulars
以個人名義捐贈 Personal Donation
以公司/機構名義捐贈 Company / Organization Donation
個人姓名 / 公司名稱 :
Personal / Company Name:
聯絡電話 Contact telephone no.:
電郵地址 E-mail address:
郵寄地址 Mailing address:
請選擇 Please Select
校友 Alumnus
學生 Student
教職員 Staff
其他 Others
學生家長 Parent
(供校友填寫 For SYU Alumnus)
畢業年份 Year of Graduation
學系 Department
學號 Student no.
本人欲以「無名氏」身份捐款。 I wish to remain 'anonymous' for the donation.
捐贈金額 Donation Amount
捐款用途 Purpose
港幣 HK$
此捐款將會作為樹仁大學獎助學生及添置教學設施之用。Donations will be used for scholarships and upgrading academic facilities purposes.
捐款港幣100元或以上可憑收據申請稅項減免。Donation of HK$100 or above will be issued an official receipt for tax-deduction purpose.
收據抬頭Name on Official Receipt
I / My Company acknowledge and agree that HKSYU will apply for a matching grant for this donation from the Matching Grant Scheme of the Education Bureau.
本人明白捐款不設退款安排 I understand that the donation made is non-refundable
(Global Payment Gateway wishes to remind donors that donations are non-refundable)
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