廉政大使計劃 ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25

廉政大使計劃 ICAC Ambassador Programme 2024/25

(Register briefing session 報名計劃簡介會: here)


Sep - Oct 2024︰ 申請及面試
Nov 2024︰ 培訓活動
Jan - May 2025︰ 籌辦校內及網上誠信推廣活動
Jun 2025︰ 閉幕禮暨「愛.廉結」周年聚會

截止日期︰ 2024年9月30日(星期一),晚上11:59

若想了解更多, 可報名ICAC 誠信解碼講座 (附廉政大使計劃2024/25簡介會)

Every year, the ICAC collaborates with tertiary institutions to launch the "ICAC Ambassador Programme" in order to promote integrity among tertiary students. This program aims to mobilize students to organize integrity activities on campus. Selected ICAC Ambassadors will have the opportunity to receive training provided by the ICAC.

Sep - Oct 2024︰ Submit Application and Attend Selection Interview
Nov 2024︰ Attend Leadership Training
Jan - May 2025︰ Organise On-Campus and Online Integrity Promotion Activities
Jun 2025︰ Attend Closing Event cum i-League Annual Gathering

Who can join︰Full-time undergraduates
Deadline: 30 September 2024 (Mon), 11:59pm

For more details, you may register the briefing session