Advances in Play Therapy Research: an Intercultural Dialogue - Full Paper Submission

Advances in Play Therapy Research: an Intercultural Dialogue - Full Paper Submission

Conference: Advances in Play Therapy Research: an Intercultural Dialogue

General Instructions for Full Paper Submission:

1. The abstracts of full papers must be submitted first on or before 30th April, 2024. If participant indicate that they have intention to submit full paper, their abstracts will be reviewed first. Around two weeks after the submission, they will be notified whether they are invited to submit full papers. Selected research papers will be published in the special issue of Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy. Other full papers including those with pure clinical work or research elements can be published in the conference proceedings.

2. The full paper should include the following parts: Title; Abstract (Background, Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions); Keywords; Main text introduction; Materials and methods; Results; Discussion; Acknowledgments; Declaration of interest statement; References (in the APA format); Table(s) and caption(s) (on individual pages) - to be uploaded separately; Figures and figure captions (as a list)

3. The full paper should be around 4000 to 6000 words (excluding abstracts, tables and references). Manuscripts are limited to a maximum of 4 tables and 2 figures to be uploaded separately – please advise where in your manuscript these are to be located.

4. Please specify whether the ethical approval or the consent of the participants and clients are obtained.

5. Please ensure that author details are neither in the Main Document nor in the file name.

6. Please submit your documents in the .doc format. The submission deadline is May 30th 2024.